- VIP French nannies helps families finding Nannies, Tutors, Governesses. The candidates have experience in childcare and / or tutoring.
The families are based worldwide. - The candidates speak French and English or they speak English.
VIP French Nannies is specialised in French or English childcare and tutors:
Nannies, Governesses, Tutors.
VIP French Nannies is specialised in Families childcare needs. The candidates are French or English Nannies, Governesses, Tutors.
The candidates:
- The candidates speak French or they speak English. They have diplomas and professional experience in childcare and / or teaching.
- The candidates have nanny experience and / or teaching diplomas.
Assisting the clients:
- The families are assisted in recruiting childcare and tutors.
- The families are assisted in recruiting candidates, to meet as much as possible their needs
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